
* All employees and students from the ETHZ can register for a user account for online sample submission and data retrieval. You must provide your n-ethz email address.
* Users from other ETH domains (EMPA, EAWAG, PSI, WSL, EPFL) must also provide a email address from their respective domains.
* UZH customers must also provide uzh domain email addresses. All o- other university customers are encouraged to provide work email addresses.
* Commercial companies are also welcome to apply for a user account.
* In all cases, your registration will be checked by a member of staff, before you are able to submit samples for analysis.
* Only ETHZ users will be able to access their data via the MoBiAS server. All other customers will have their data delivered by pdf email.

Password rules:
- min 8, max 30 characters
- compulsory characters: a-Z, 0-9, # . , - / : = ? @ [ ] { } ^ ~
- no umlauts
- no white space
- min one number if length is shorter than 12 characters


Login Name: Please choose a login name (user account), specific for the MoBiAS online sample submission tool (Luminol). Your login name must be specific in our database. For ETHZ and UZH users we suggest to use your n-ethz login name.
Password: Password rules:
- min. 8, max. 30 characters
- allowed characters (Capitals, Numbers, Special characters): a-z A-Z 0-9 #,-./:=?@[]^{}~
- no umlauts, no white space
- min. one special character
- min. one number (when password shorter than 12 characters)
Retype password: Please retype your password again
Salutation: Please select your salutation
Title: select your academic title
First name: Please indicate your first name
Family Name: Please indicate your family name
Email: Your email address. If you are form the ETHZ, it has to be an address of this organisation
Phone: Please provide your phone number in the following format:

+41 44 632 29 01
+41 79 123 12 12
Organisation type: select your organisation type.

The following options are available:
- ETH Domain
- University other than ETH/UZH
- Company.
If you are a customer from ETH, from an ETH Domain (EMPA, PSI, EAWAG, EPFL, WSL), you must provide your work email address with the respective domain (i.e. / etc), likewise for the University of Zurich ( This information is used for billing and data storage purposes.
Organisation or Company Name: Name your organisation /company

e.g. ETH Zurich
Building name (or address addition): Buidling name or addition your may need
(e.g. HCI / HPL / Y32)
Room number: Room or Lab number (including floor)
(e.g. E 323 / Lab 23 / Office 12)
PO Box / Postfach: PO Box
Street & Number: Street and number
(e.g. Vladimir-Prelog-Weg 3)
Postcode / ZIP: Postcode / ZIP
(e.g. 8093)
City: Please provide your city
Country: Please provide your country

Data Privacy:
The provided data will be used exclusively by the MoBiAS platform for administration purposes. These will never be made public.
According to Swiss data privacy laws